Edenport Adventure Brigade
Original Pack Do Not Steal
Original Pack Do Not Steal is a private modpack curated by me (Jeeb), and will be used as the basis for the as-of-yet unnamed modded server that will be the successor to Edenport.
Original Pack Do Not Steal, or OPDNS, is a high-power, high-fun kitchen sink pack with over seventy mods covering tech, magic, building, worldgen, quality-of-life, and more. As I don't quite know how the current pack will pan out in a multiplayer environment (or how you guys will respond to various features of the pack) there will probably have to be a brief trial period where suggestions can be made and implemented before we fully stabilize the pack and kick off the server proper. If you have any suggestions for mods to add, or questions about mods already included, don't hesitate to contact me on facebook or skype.
The changelog for OPDNS can be found on this page. The current version is 0.1.0.
Since some of you are new to modded minecraft (or at least just unfamiliar with the mods in the pack), I've written a few helpful guides for study or quick-reference:
- New UI Features - A crash course in the user-interface mods such as NEI, Inventory Tweaks, JourneyMap, and Schematica.
- How to Not Die - A preliminary list of dangers and pitfalls you might encounter in an OPDNS world.
- What to Do if You Die Anyways - For those of you who didn't read the above guide. A brief guide on how to manage death waypoints and retrieve items from graves.
- Survival Tips and Tricks - Protips on surviving the wilderness from the Adventure Brigade.
Mod Listing:
Just the crunchy bits - additional compatibility patches or helper libraries are not included in this list.
- BuildCraft - The grandpappy of all tech mods. Adds quarries, pipes, auto-crafters, all that good stuff. Although in all honesty, most people just use it for the quarries these days as there are better alternatives for nearly anything.
- Thermal Expansion: Originally a BC addon, nowadays it's basically just BuildCraft: Team CoFH edition. Adds various generators and pipes and doodads and stuff, but also certain machines that are fairly useful on their own, such as the autonomous activator and the magma crucible.
- Mekanism - Yet another mod that adds pipes and energy and machines and crap, although this one is unique for several reasons. One, it boasts the highest possible ore multiplication setup of any tech mod in common use (x5!!!), and two, it adds lots of cool gadgets like jetpacks, flamethrowers, scuba gear, and so on. Also FRICKIN' LASERS.
- Tinker's Construct - In a nutshell, Tinker's Construct provides a greatly extended alternative to the vanilla tool and weapon system by allowing one to create tools from any combination of materials - say, a pickaxe made with a steel head, a wooden rod, and a copper binding. Each materials will individually affect the properties of the resulting tool. You can also add modifiers to increase the capabilities of the tools, such as redstone for Haste and nether quartz for Sharpness. In addition, certain powerful new tools and weapons can be created, such as Hammers and Excavators (essentially upgraded pickaxes and shovels), Cleavers, Scythes, and so on.
- GalactiCraft - Adds the moon and Mars as new dimensions (which can be traveled to with the use of a rocket), as well the ability to create orbital space stations.
- MineChem - Chemistry mod with a terrifying attention to detail. Provides machines to break down almost any item into its component chemicals, and then resynthesize those chemicals into other items. Some chemicals are also useful on their own, as pharmaceuticals (penicillin, testosterone, retinol, etc.). Also coke and meth.
- OpenComputers (with OC Glasses addon) - Adds fully simulated programmable computers, as well as robots, hologram projectors, 3D printers, and more.
- Dimensional Anchors - Adds dimensional anchors, a block that will keep the chunks loaded around them even when no players are around.
- RedLogic - A revival of the Lighting and Control portions of RedPower 2, RedLogic allows the creation of compact and functional redstone circuits via red alloy wire, an improvement to redstone which will stick to walls and ceilings, fit through one block gaps without "cutting", and travel up to 256 blocks without losing their signal. In addition, RedLogic adds numerous one-block replacements for various vanilla circuits, such as logic gates, timers, latches, multiplexors, and so on, as well as a set of blocks that can be used to large circuits into single block ICs.
- Remain in Motion - Similar to Redlogic, Remain in Motion re-implements the frames from RP2, which are essentially a system of carriages and motors that allow one to abitrarily move collections of blocks with redstone, allowing the easy creation of slick-looking and fully-functional elevators, sliding doors and hatches, monorails, and so on.
- Thaumcraft - Less of traditional spellcasting and more alchemy and artificing type deal. Adds thaumaturgy, which can be used to channel an energy called vis into a limited number of magical effects, as well as golems (basically magic robots that can perform simple tasks and can be used for magical automation), and various other magical artifacts and doodads.
- Ars Magica 2 - Straight up "yer a wizard harry" type stuff, adds the ability to learn magic and cast spells and make various magical whatsits, however this one is notable in that there are no pre-defined spells - instead, spells are designed by the player using an intricate grammar of shapes, effects, and modifiers. Also notable in having a grindy-as-fuck skill leveling system that you need to go through to cast magic good.
- Witchery - Similar to Thaumcraft in that it focuses less on traditional spellcasting, though this time with a distinct witchcraft theme. The major schools here are poppet-making (voodoo dolls more or less; a form of sympathetic magic allowing you to fuck with people at a distance or prevent specific forms of harm to yourself by creating poppets to "stand in" for people), circle magic (a kind of ritualistic magic requiring lots of preparation but capable of powerful effects) and brews/infusions (essentially a greatly expanded potion-making system)
- Xeno's Reliquary - Adds a bunch of magical gadgets and neat loot, like the Hunter's Handgun. And other stuff. But if I'm being honest, it's mostly just here because of the handgun.
- Chisel - Adds chisels, which are a tool that can "carve" most vanilla blocks into up to eight different decorative variations., adding a huge wealth of aesthetic options. In addition, it adds several new purely decorative blocks that can also be chiseled into several varieties, such as Tyrian Armor, Laboratory Blocks, and Fantasy Blocks.
- Carpenter's Blocks - In a nutshell, this mod adds various kinds of "carpenter's blocks", which comes in a variety of shapes, such as smooth 90 degree slopes, pyramid caps, and so on. These blocks can be right-clicked with any block added by any mod to allow them to copycat it's texture, brightness, and various other properties. There are also carpenter's variants of many vanilla block types, such as doors, beds, fences, stairs, and so on - if, for example, you wanted a stained glass fence or a solid gold bed. There's also collapsible blocks, which are essentially carpenter's blocks in which the top corners can be indented to various degrees to create smoothly deforming landscape and hulls./li>
- Immibis' Microblocks - This mod allows you to "cut" any block into a number of different shapes, such as panels, covers, strips, and corners, any number of which can be fitted into a one block space. This is useful both for decorative purposes and for hiding ugly wires and circuitry inside of one-block-thick walls.
- BiblioCraft - Adds a lot of decorative storage options and general furnishings - including, but not limited to, bookshelves (for which this mod gets it's name), tool racks, desks, tables, chairs, shelves, display cases, and so on. Also of notes is big books, atlases, and clipboards, three useful variants of the vanilla book.
- NotEnoughItems - Adds two useful functions; one, it allows an easy interface for accessing any item in the game by any mod, including those unavailable in the creative menu, and second, it provide a way of looking up the recipe of any item in-game, or finding what an item it used for.
- JourneyMap - Adds both an in-game minimap in the top right corner of the screen and a complete world map displaying all areas the player has ever passed through. It also allows one to set waypoints to any set of world coordinates and will display a beacon in the world marking their location.
- InventoryTweaks - Adds a collection of useful keyboard shortcuts for managing your inventory and interacting with chests.
- FastCraft - Optimization mod. Increases FPS. Probably. Maybe.
- TreeCapitator - Alters the behaviour of the vanilla axe so that when a log is broken, all connected logs and leaf blocks will be broken as well, effectively allowing one to chop down a whole tree at once.
- Morpheus - Server sleep voting mod. If at least fifty percent of players are asleep, the night will be skipped.
- StatusEffectHUD - Displays visual indicators of all current status effects on-screen, without having to access one's inventory to view status effects or check how much longer a status effect will last.
- Schematica - Allows you to save any region of minecraft blocks as "schematics", which can then be accessed in any world to bring up a transparent overlay of said schematic to use a building guide. Provided the player has the necessary resources in their inventory, they can also activate "printer mode", a kind of fast auto-build mode that will place blocks to rapidly fill out the currently drawn schematic. This mod is useful for rapidly testing building ideas in creative mode before transplating them in survival mode, or for "copy-pasting" re-usable structures.
- MineTweaker - Tweaker mod allowing one to add, remove, or alter any crafting recipe via a scripting system. Helpful for balancing mods in a pack or just fixing minor annoyances.
- Damage Indicators - Adds health bars to all mobs, as well as hit splats that emanate from any mobs you attack that show how much damage was done.
- Biome's 'O Plenty - Adds over eighty (yes, eighty) new biomes and sub-biomes, including five or so nether biomes, as well as a few crafting recipes for using the various things you find out while out and about.
- ChocolateQuest - Adds tons of new dungeons, temples, fortresses, and other such generated structures, most of which contain custom enemies with distinct classes and unique AIs. And of course, loads and loads of loot.
- Yet Another Leather Smelting Mod (YALSM) - allows one to craft five leather into one Patchwork Flesh, which can then be smelted into one leather. Adds a nice use for all that rotten flesh shitting up your chests without totally obviating the need for a cow farm.
- Archimedes' Ships - Allows one to attach a "ship's helm" to any arbitrary collection of blocks to allow them to be sailed as either a boat or an airship.
- CrystalWing - Adds Crystal Wings, an item which, when right clicked, will teleport the player home. Has a very small amount of uses, and doesn't work in the nether.
- Ropes+ - Adds ropes, grappling hooks, hookshots, and ziplines, as well as special "trick arrows", such as exploding arrows and warp arrows.
- Backpacks - Adds backpacks, which are like portable chests you can carry with you. They also r
ender onto your back and look real purty.
- FlatSigns - I forget what this one does. I think it lets you put signs on the ceiling or something?
- ObsidiPlates - Adds several pressure plate variants, including the titular Obsidian Plates which will only respond to players and not mobs (so you won't ever have to deal with creeper's waltzing in your front door).
- Hats - Adds close to a hundred hats to the game, which can be unlocked by killing a mob that spawns wearing it. Unlocked hats can then be worn and swapped out, and even traded with other players.
- OpenBlocks - Adds a whole lot of random, unthemed items and blocks, some useful, some just silly. Of particular note is Graves, which will spawn wherever a player dies and will hold their items until broken - see What to Do if You Die.
- ExtraUtilities - Similar to OpenBlocks in that it adds a lot of things with no attempt at a larger theme. Notable for drums, some useful generators, and "unstable ingots".
- FinndusFillies - Adds horse meat and a somewhat disturbing alternate recipe for slimeballs.